Thursday, December 5, 2013


 From my large stash of ikat dyed silk yarn (some dating back to the early 80's when I first started making the brooches), I meticulously wrap and wrap and wrap. It takes me approximately 20 minutes to wrap each individual unit.  I use archival black core matte board and have my framer cut the board into an assortment of small shapes.

Once the wrapping is complete, I assemble the piece by gluing to a matte board backing and attaching a pin back.

 I can't tell you how much pleasure I get from creating these miniature works of art. The fact that I continue to produce a limited number of extremely labor-intense pieces (at an affordable price), speaks of a labor of love.


TJ said...

I love these little beauties and the thrums. Is there someplace I can purchase them? Thanks.

Bonnie said...

Hi TJ, Thanks so much for your interest. I have sent you details of how to purchase via email. For others who are asking the same question, please email me. I am happy to provide prices and how to select them. There may come a day when I will have some sort of on-line selling page, but my foray into Etsy was most unsatisfying and time-consuming.

cara mengobati BAB pada balita said...

great post