I thought, perhaps, the girl was old enough to participate in the color selection. I gathered up a couple dozen samples of cashmere, placed them in a plastic bag and send them off to Seattle.

I anxiously awaited their return. As soon as I got the samples, I packed a suitcase and the yarn and went across town to Gary, my Fireside Loom. It is a long story, but Gary and I have been trying a trial separation. On Sunday, I warped the loom. I wove all day Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday afternoon.......

At midday, a friend came by and snapped a couple of pictures, and then off to FedEx and overnight express to Seattle. It was picked up on Friday just in time for the birthday party on Saturday. It was perfect!!

Everything was perfect except for my back which did not appreciate being worked so hard. I think I will not push myself quite so hard in the future, but it sure was exciting.
PS: Gary and I have reconciled, but that is another story for another day

Great photos - and I would say that you and Gary make beautiful music together, reconciled or not! Thanks for sharing all this beauty Bonnie.
Lucky, lucky six year old!!
Wow...that is an intensive weaving session! Hope the backis feeling better.
In every picture at the loom, you always have the greatest smile.
Oh, I wish I could be six and wrap myself in this beautiful fabric!
And...you are a terrific model! Hope your back heals speedy quick.
Hope your back is feeling much better. The blanket is wonderful, what a lucky 6 year old. Gary is missing you as much as you are missing him.
Beautiful blanket! I'm sure the recipient loves it. Take it easy for a couple of days and the back will stop complaining. Gentle walking is good for getting the tension out of those muscles.
ha - laughed about your "Gary" comments. tooo funny. Oddly, my fave photo is the one with all the fiber balls on the floor. Turned out beautiful - love following your blog.
This site is good because they give us a new thing and new ideas and new topic how good all of they are we should appreciate them because of these good thing
I am a tatter myself and was just clicking on the "next blog" button when this came up. The only thing I weave are clunies in tatting.
Gorgeous blanket, lucky little girl!
Your blog is truly and utterly amazing, keep if up!:)
I'm a new Blogger, my blog is about books
I'm following you, hope you do the same!:)
Wow! Nice work. I love the picture of you playing peek-a-boo! So cute.
Just beautiful!
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