Saturday, May 11, 2013

Hello From Gary

 Hey, remember me? This is Gary, the 48" 8 harness Cherry Wood Fireside Loom, weaving to you in a charming retro-style.


Weaving with natural plant matter weft with a jute warp was popular back in the mid 20th century. Bonnie wove countless weed hangings back then.

 When she lived in Montana in the 70's, she was captivated by the unusual and varied dried wild flowers.

 A friend offered her a bunch a willow, and another friend gave me the short stalks of a lavender harvest.

The very first weed weaving she created in 1961 is hanging in her mom's condo, and believe it or not, it still looks as fresh and new as the day she wove it.

Stay tuned for pictures from the weed achieves.


Wedding sarees said...

We truly appreciate this specific publish. I've also been shopping everywhere with this! Thank heavens I ran across it in Ask. You've built my day! Thx once again!

Hilary said...

I do love's very interesting......and I have been wanting to try weaving with natural things like that.
good job

Wendy said...

Gary, you look wonderful in "weeds". I'm sure that your hard work will make a beautiful statement and bring the power of nature to the owner of your wall hanging. Seeing this post makes me want to go see my daughter and her husband in Wolf Point, MT and harvest my own "weeds". BTW...if you have a cousin that may want to live in the high desert of Southern California....... ;)