Monday, April 8, 2013

April's Musings

 Where do I want to take Weaving Spirit?
Where does weaving spirit want to take me?

It would seem that I have stopped doing any interesting work, teaching, or service---but I am actually doing lots of all of it---so much so that blogging has become a chore---something that I never thought would happen. 

For the foreseeable future, I will be posting once a month---just to see how this works.  

Woven Words Virtual Quilt Block--Generosity
Most of my work this year has been service related with my donating time, weaving lessons and woven pieces. I wondered what it would be like to spend a year living as if I did not have to depend on my weaving income. Weaving for the sake of weaving---to make the world better. Weaving as prayer---weaving as an offering.

Here is something out of the archives---woven in the early 90's. I recently had students ask me questions about weaving horoscope weaving in something other than plain weave. Here is my best example---twill.

1 comment:

Gerri said...

Your plan for the year is indeed generous. If once-a-month blogging works, it will be fun to see where you go with the year!