After much back and forth we settled on these colors:
R #919 carnation
RO #493 coral
O #159 conch
YO #048 honey
Y #875 buttercup
YG #300 willow
G #883 cilantro
T #106 aruba
B #799 sky
I #199 light lavender
P #444 crocus
RP #620 raspberry
I think we substituted something else close for "sky", but I can't put my hands on that just now.
The next question I had to answer is how to make a horoscope weaving that would equal 18" sett at 20 epi (and 15" sett at 24 epi) to come out to be 36" wide. The obvious answer would be to go around the horoscope twice, but Irene asked for another solution. I decided to try making each of the 10 planets a 1" stripe (making the width 28"). Then I will add a 4" solid colored (well, in this case "pearl") border making 36" on the loom.
I am really curious to see how this is going to look.