Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Blog Clog

When I first began writing a web log, I never realized how satisfying it would be on many levels. I have such a deep appreciation for the connections I have made and how personally inspiring this process has been for me.

I see my flagging ability to post regularly mirrors the rest of my life.

My ideas and ambitions have outflanked my day to day reality.

Today I sat down and outlined my life (on the back of an envelope). Now that I have it down on paper (and now posted) be prepared for a flurry of posts.


1. What I am doing
a. Kathie's piece
b. Sarah's piece
c. Shea's piece
2. What I have done
a. Mercury Retrograde
b. Set up new blog
c. Set up Etsy
d. Sent out cards
e. Finished Fran's piece
3. What I will be doing
a. 50th high school reunion
b. Check out North Carolina
c. Teaching at Golden Gate Fiber Institute
d. Move "Inspired by Bonnie" posts over to my new blog


Valerie said...

and thank you so much for sending me a card! It arrived yesterday.

Maybe I need a life outline....or just a lifeline. I'm in the creative doldrums.

Peg in South Carolina said...

I always have more to do than I can possibly accomplish! Glad to hear that you will be posting more. I always look forward to your posts.