The only parameters I received from the client was to weave a blanket 90"x100" with a bamboo warp and recycled cashmere sweater weft. I knew I was going to weave panels and join them together, but the size of the panels, the weaving technique, and the colors were all left to me. I had recently seen a textile show of the Sarawak weavers of Borneo and became enchanted by the concept of having the design come to me in a dream rather than plan out a design on paper. So that is what I did. On the side bar of this blog under LABELS is the topic Big Commission with 12 entries. (if you want to track my progress).
Then I ran into a couple of snags which stopped me cold. When I had completed 5 panels, the design seemed finished although I had only 74" in width. When I washed the panels, they became 88" long. So I waited for a dream to tell me how to proceed. That was back in March.
In March my world went into high gear with putting the condo up for sale and moving. I still continued to wait for the next chapter of the dream. As August draws near, I realized I just need to join all the panels together and finish off the top and bottom and call it finished at 74"x88"
The book shown below is a fabulous book (out of print), but I was lucky enough to find a copy. I used to check it out of the Seattle Weavers Guild library, and I was the only one to ever check it out.
And what about the folks that have commissioned a larger blanket than they are getting? I have spoken to them at length, and I believe they will be thrilled with a blanket this size. It weighs almost 5 lbs as it is. I know they live in Montana, but a 7 lb blanket is just too heavy to deal with. I will be weaving them each a bamboo cashmere scarf, so they will get their extra inches in another format.
My plan is to ship the blanket on August 4th to get there in time for their 5th wedding anniversary. I will ask for pictures, but you never know.
I have the book and treasure it! I bet you are glad to have the blanket done. I wove a wool 3-panel blanket for our son's wedding present. I edged top and bottom with silk binding that I made from silk I purchased and dyed. The wedding was called off; the blanket is on our bed..... It is heavy to carry around--I bet it weighs 7 pounds. But it is not heavy spread out over you and is wonderfully warm. I really liked the girl he was going to marry but it's nice to have the blanket, selfish creature that I am!
Perhaps the dream is waiting for you to joing those panels together.
I find that when I'm waiting for inspiration, action is the best way to draw it out.
Hmmm... I could use a little of my own advice I think...
I just wanted to say that based on your and Peg's recommendations, I've found an old, second-hand copy of this for sale on Amazon, and have ordered it. It ought to be winging its way to me now!
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