Friday, April 25, 2008

At the Plaid Llama

I did well at the sale this year. There's nothing quite like clearing the decks. Once I get started...
Change is in the air...

I came home with many less boxes, and today I got a call from a woman who is coming Sunday to pick up the remaining 50 lbs of cotton yarn.

This evening I tackled the linen closet. How many sets of sheets does a person need?


Laritza said...

I have been asking myself the same question. This past year I have used two for our bed. One to wash one to use. So far so good. I have to tackle the linen closet and get rid of a bunch of those I do not use because I plain don't like and don't need them .

Valerie said...

The suspense is killing me....
explain the change. Or is it yet inexplicable?