Friday, June 1, 2007

What I Did When the Chenille Wormed

In addition to throwing myself into the 3rd blanket panel, I went right to work on a Color Horoscope Weaving birthday commission (although I have another whole week before it is due).

I used 20/2 cotton tripled and sett at 24 epi.

It is quite relaxing to weave horoscopes.

I recently received an email from a soon to be student. She was trying to figure out from pictures exactly how I create Color Horoscope Weaving and said she was beginning to see how I used this technique to add interest to the tabby weaving.

It’s funny I have never looked at weaving this way. For me it is that tabby weaving holds together all of my weaving techniques.


Laritza said...

So when you say tripled does that mean that you actually have 360 x 3 ends? and 3 threads are one end?

Bonnie said...

Yes, 3 threads are one end. I don't exactly know how I came up with this, but it does increase the color blending possibilities. It also gives you a painless way to work with finer threads.

Christine said...

That's a whole lot of swaying in front of the warping board! I'm still jealous of your flawless selvages.

c u r i o u s w e a v e r said...

Bonnie your weaving and ideas are soo inspirational. I think,I've recently become toned down and boring in my colours and I don't know why? Perhaps because I'm concentrating too hard on structures at the moment. OK back to plain weave joy. You're encouraging me to get back in there.